All tagged vacation

Week #42 and #43 - Vacation Week

When I go on vacations I use my planner as a scrapbook. I think this is one of the brilliant things about these planners. I have never been able to get into scrapbooking, way too overwhelming for me. But this is the perfect size and I am already working with it on a daily basis so it is nothing to print out some pictures and add them to my week along with some of the things we did. This really makes me smile!

week #32 in my Plumpaper/Kikki-K Planner

I was so disoriented the first few days I put Sunday's activities on Monday, I put my Monday flight home on Tuesday and it wasn't until I was filling in Wednesday that I figured that at. Talk about Fuzzy Brain! That is why the second half of the week was so low key. I had to get my feet back on the ground, literally!