

Welcome to my blog! These pages are about my adventures
in knitting and teaching.

Creating Community
One Stitch at a Time

Too much Planner Goodness

Too much Planner Goodness

Can there be such thing as "too much" planner goodness?  I would say "NEVER".

I have been to target more in the last month then all of last year. But here is the funny part, I don't get beyond the $1 spot and the stationary section. That is really funny when you think of it. Same with Michaels and Joann's. 

My new addiction centers around Instagram. The planner community is amazing on IG. Finally a social media platform that makes sense to me. It is such a fun place to hang out. All the beautiful pictures and ideas. I am obsessed! Of course being a creative type, having pictures as the main form of communication makes total sense. And having a creative planner community blowup on Instagram also makes total sense. 

I thought I would list some of the many many people that have enabled me in my addiction so far. This is not everyone. Just some of the ones that come to mind. There is so much information to be gleamed from these lovely ladies. Just get your coffee and get comfortable because it is hours of information and creativity. These links will also lead you to some great Facebook groups and someone wonderful Etsy shops. This will get you started down the Rabbit Hole. Your Welcome!!

If they have a website I will send you there first. From there you will be able to find all there other platforms.  


Hand Lettering Anyone?

Hand Lettering Anyone?

Listers Gotta List

Listers Gotta List