

Welcome to my blog! These pages are about my adventures
in knitting and teaching.

Creating Community
One Stitch at a Time

Stay Calm and Knit On

Stay Calm and Knit On


There just aren’t enough words for the sudden situation we all find ourselves. The fact that our country is in Shut Down mode practically over night is an amazing thing. Something that is actually effecting every single persons life.
Just Wow.
I can’t but think about what this means on a global energetic or spiritual level. A total reset for the country and the world.

For many, this is going to be a great hardship. For everyone it is going to take some imagination and creativity to get through with a sense of calm, peace and love. As a knitter, I am grateful to have a tool that I can use everyday to help me stay calm and feeling productive.

This is going to call on us to open our hearts and help those around us any we can. Phone calls, FaceTime, Zoom. Connecting to others in ways we would never have thought about before.

What if during these times we learned new ways to be with our families, to be with ourselves. New ways to be with those around us and new ways to be with nature. This could be a turning point for Humanity.

Turning points are not always pretty. Most often they are very rocky and messy. It can be hard to feel grounded and centered. To stay focused on the positive and not let the fear over take us. Even with positive focus there is going to be grief for how things where and what has fallen away. So we must be not only kind to others but also kind to ourselves.

Looking back on the turning points we have had in our lives, they most often are the moments that define us as a person and as a people. Turning points teach us things that might not have been learned without them. They make us grow faster then we ever would in everyday life.

I firmly believe that it isn’t what happens to us that defines us, but rather, what we do with what happens that makes all the difference. So don’t let this extraordinary time pass you by without looking for the golden nuggets, the kindnesses, the connections and the peace you can always find in the eye of a storm. Those are the things that will make all the difference.

Keep safe and find creative ways to love those around you.

Zoom and Knitting

Zoom and Knitting

IG Love! Fiber Animals!!!!

IG Love! Fiber Animals!!!!