

Welcome to my blog! These pages are about my adventures
in knitting and teaching.

Creating Community
One Stitch at a Time

Zoom and Knitting

Zoom and Knitting


Since the Store had to close for the foreseeable future. I took to zoom to stay connected with our knitters. I have thought about doing online knitting classes but couldn’t really figure out how that could work. I wanted to do live classes helping people with what they are doing and helping them fix their mistakes. The biggest challenge, being able to clearly see what each other is doing.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention. Thank goodness for technology during this time of isolation and Zoom has been amazing. First off, it just works. The streaming is perfect. It switches between people without an issue. I figured out how to use my phone as a “down” camera so student can see my hands as I show them what to do. They are able to show me their knitting issues and together we can usually get things worked out. There have been a few times that the only way to fix the problem was to rip out a few rows. They felt better that I was there cheering them on. Much better then having to make that decision on your own!! I have even been able to teach someone how to knit.

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My longtime knitting group (10+ years) have also been getting together on zoom. We even started a knit-along last week. We live in different places now and realize that we can keep our group together even after this is all over. That would not have happened without this shutdown.

I am looking at this as a new business model. I have wanted to be able to work with people no matter where I am and now I know that I can!!

Of course this doesn’t replace being one on one with someone in person. But, it does add another option when that is not possible. I look forward to being at the knit studio hopefully sooner than later, but, I am forever grateful for this opportunity opening up.

Safe At Home

Safe At Home

Stay Calm and Knit On

Stay Calm and Knit On