Time Keeping
When you work at home it is really really easy to get distracted and procrastinate. Especially with the computer in front of you and all your pretty crafty things beside you. At the moment I am so consumed with this whole planner thing that I am pretty focused. Everything I am doing has something to do with planners, tracking, creating etc. But are the things I am doing actually taking "My Marvelous Life" a step forward?
I have read and watched many "how to grow your business" ideas and know about the need for goal setting, schedule keeping, having a clear vision etc. I am working on all of that and have goals for the week. But again, it is very easy to be just off the mark. Doing things that are related to your goals but not really moving you forward.
So I felt like I really need to track my time for a while and see what is going on. As way of being accountable to myself. There are many planner ways to track your time. After all, isn't that why we all have planners? As a "visual girl" tracking by writing things in a time line doesn't really work for me. It is hard to see at a glance what I was actually doing. Then I discovered Chronodex, Hyperdex, and Spiraldex. These are the 3 of the visual time keepers I have found. Basically they are clock faces. You track your activities by coloring in sections of time, using different colors, to tell you what you did during the day.
I can color in my productivity? Sign me up right now!
After watching several videos on this, ok, really? I probably watched every video there is on this. I decided to give this a shot and track everything I do in the day. So I tracked my sleep, eating, exercise, work (blog, youtube, IG, research etc.), personal, errands, and more. That is a lot of colors for a lot of completely different activities with a lot of subcatagories. One color can represent so many things that is got very confusing. This is the way many people us these systems and it works for them, but I needed to simplify.
Take two. I decided I would concentrate mostly on the business. Blog, IG, Youtube, Research, Planner, and only two outside categories, Personal (everything else) and time with Hubby. This is working out much better. Even though each of these categories can mean several things, they are very related and easy to note. I can still note down exactly what I was working on but one color is one facet of work. At a glance I know I spent 3 hours on my blog. Now, could I still be off the mark, yes, but I feel like there is more accountability to myself as I am filling it out as the day progresses.
There are many ways to keep yourself focused. This is making a difference for me so I will keep this going for a while and see how it works. I will do an update in a few weeks, maybe on my youtube channel that will be up by then!
Where to Find your own Time Keeper:
- My Chronodex is from Rebecca Meyers Designs on Etsy.
- Chronodex Etsy
- Hyperdex Etsy
- Free Spiraldex Printable
- Free Chronodex
Here are some places you can go to find out more:
Supplies in the Picture with the Aqua Midori
- Glasses Clip
- Aqua Fabric Midori
- Flamingo Dash Board
- Heart Scissors are from Diaso in Orange County (I think they have been discontinued)