

Welcome to my blog! These pages are about my adventures
in knitting and teaching.

Creating Community
One Stitch at a Time

Vogue Knitting Live

Vogue Knitting Live


Vogue Knitting is this weekend. I am really looking forward to going. So much yarn goodness. What I really like about these kind of conventions is that you get see things you don't see in stores or online. The small indy dyers, spinners and creative people are there and it is so much fun to meet them and see their wonderful goodies. 


It can be very over whelming. All the colors, fibers, patterns, samples........

I go with a small plan. I know that I will not follow the plan exactly but it gives me a place to start. I have one or two patterns picked out. That way I can look for yarn for those patterns knowing that I will probably see a sample that I fall in love with and have to have. 

Having a few patterns can give me focus if I feel like I need it. I have all the information on my phone. I take pictures of the pattern page. I just have to pull up my pictures and I don't have to load a website. Above are the two patterns I am going to be looking for while I am there. 

What are your strategies? 


Vogue Knitting Recap

Vogue Knitting Recap